Watch how this young lady narrates her sad experience of her upbringing with her father whom she says is denying her and her siblings to be their father. She alleges to have grown up without her mother whom she learnt passed on while she was a kid. Growing up with her father alone, she noticed a consistent fight between her brother and her father which she question out of curiosity and learnt her brother isn’t the biological son of her father.
She also narrates how she was given away in marriage at a very tender age where she wasn’t at peace with the family of her husband that made her run back to her father reporting the case but instead of finding a solution, he drove her back to her husbands place where the problem she had with his family continued until she had to find a way to run from her husband with her children out of the state to start a new life with her children as she struggles to cater for them. Knowing how close she is to her brother, she alleges they now try to get her back to the village by saying her brother is insane so she travels to see him. She also learnt the man she knows as her father isn’t her biological father and she seeks to know her real father.