The Ordinary President began the program with a sermon addressing children of this generation advising parents to teach their children certain morals and not leave them to only learning from school. Referencing some out of school children, he blames it on poverty relating poverty to other things (knowledge, exposure etc.) people are lacking. He speaks on how parents ought to lead good examples. Preaching on love and attention given to children that it can change lots of wrongs. After this, the Ordinary President starts attending to cases beginning with a complainant he had promised a million naira to support him financially.
Filled with gratitude, the complainant returns with his wife to appreciate the Ordinary President towards his kind gesture. The complainant with his wife thanks the ordinary president so much that he was moved with compassion again, he offers them a bag of rice saying he only wants them to replicate the kind gestures to others as a way of appreciating him and while at it, they should do so without tribalism. In regards to this case, a team of excos from the market association where present to say their own side of the story.
The next case is from a young lady who alleges that her sister in-law gave birth to triplet on the 30th of January this year and died on the 31st of January leaving behind the triplets with her elder brother (the husband) whom she says is not working and doesn’t have the means to cater for the triplet yet intends travelling with the triplets. She says they have been lodging in the hospital quarter for staffs (where her late sister in-law worked) and they’re told to vacate the place in a year time although a family from port Harcourt relocated abroad and gave them their apartment which she said was once attacked by robbers yet her brother intends taking the children to same place which she pleads with the brekete family to stop her brother from doing.
Thereafter members of the national commission for persons with disabilities gave updates of some cases left in their care to handle. Pleased with their efforts, the Ordinary President appreciates them also with hearing their intention to empower and support persons with disability to become financially stable. Afterwards some representatives of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission where opportune to speak as they briefly educate the public on consumers rights. With regards to the youths who alleged of not getting recruited justly, they were chanced to speak on their plans which the ordinary president advised them on as well as addressing other people to stop depending on government work and learn to get some hand work.
The program came to an end as the father of the triplets presents himself to plead for a resolve over the issue off air that his request was granted. Then a team of Kogi Conference Liberation Movement comprising of men with a common goal were opportune to speak, narrating some challenges faced in Kogi state seeking the Ordinary President’s intervention who assures them of assisting with publicity on security for a peaceful state.