Beginning with the sermon, Consultant Iyke calls on every lazy man and woman to wake up and make something meaningful out of life before he or she is overcome with poverty. He says no human is created to work as an island, as we all need each other as humans so is the essence of socializing and relating with others. Being the weekend, he encourages rest only after work has been done as he heavily discourages laziness and gives room for contribution to the sermon which the CEO of bio organics did making reference to China to extensively speak make his point. Then Consultant Iyke proceeds to read out comments online.
Saturday being a day dedicated to Nigerians in diaspora, Consultant Iyke then opens the phone line to take calls from Nigerians in the diaspora
Then Consultant Iyke takes the case update of a young man who alleges that he sustained an industrial injury leading to the loss of one of his legs, giving a summary of what happened, he says after the intervention of the brekete family seeking for him to get justice, he got the payment of four (4) months outstanding salary, but is yet to get due compensation. In regards to this, Consultant Iyke calls the Chinese man on air but couldn’t get his response so he refers the young man to one of the brekete family lawyers to take up his case. Consultant gives room for the brekete family partners to briefly advertise their products.
Afterwards, Consultant Iyke takes the case of a woman who alleges to have paid 5,000 pounds to a Nigerian staying in the United Kingdom. According to her, she paid the money to secure a care giving job in the UK saying she met this woman through her friend and paid the money through another person. Saying after times passed that she was unable to pay the balance for the job, she decided to seek for a refund which the woman in the United Kingdom is denying her of so Consultant Iyke calls the woman on air but got no response. Towards the end of the program, the woman staying in the United Kingdom calls back alleging that the claims made by the complainant are not true as she refuses to be conversed on air, she decides to involve her lawyer.