Preaching on a peaceful co-existence, the Ordinary President begins the program identifying fundamental faults in Nigeria relating it to Nigeria’s Origin and our predecessors. He calls on all Nigerians to put aside sentiments and unite our hearts, hands and heads to move Nigeria forward making a key statement as “corruption is worse than cancer”.
The Ordinary President then welcomes the team of market management who came in response to a complaint lodged against them by members of market association. Beginning with an introduction of the team, the HOD operations of the Abuja Market Management Limited starts with a list of achievements in the market, then the accountant was given the opportunity to speak of the funds from the market but due to inaccurate figures, the ordinary president gave the entire team until Monday to properly present their case with evidence.
The case update handled is of a complainant who alleges to have paid some amount of money to the Lagos state teaching hospital for a surgical operation only to be told there’s no more bed space after taking him into the theatre and then getting a refund from the hospital became an issue until they came to the brekete family for help and finally got the refund so they return to express sincere gratitude to the Ordinary President.
Appreciating the presence of Dr. Christopher Otabor, the Ordinary President gives him ample time to address the public on health matters. Dr. Christopher Otabor speaks extensively on cancer of the bowel advising the public to reduce meat intake generally and for the elderly to stay healthy, a reduced protein diet . He concludes with preventive measures to avoid the cancer, the cure and subsequent treatment for it even as he advises the public to go for medical check-ups. The Ordinary President reads out comments online and take calls, opportuning the public to ask questions with regards to health while Dr. Christopher Otabor gives the answers.
Thereafter, a good Samaritan offers to support the family of a triplet with the sum of 200,000 thousand naira and a monthly support for 3 years which the Ordinary President appreciates so much as the father of the triplets present in the studio expresses sincere gratitude to the good Samaritan as he briefly explains his silent struggles still appreciating him, the Ordinary President and Dr. Christopher Otabor, while the Ordinary President brings the program to an end appreciating everyone in the studio.