Watch the damage caused by an accident as the narration is given in details. The man alleged to have gotten some building materials in his cars that day when unfortunately his car developed a fault on the road. He said this made him pack his car on the service lane which is out of the road as he went to get a mechanic and a material to fix his car so on their arrival to where his car was packed, they began packing down the building materials in the car to start working on it when suddenly came an army car with high speed that hit his own car from behind, that the force pushed him and the mechanic to the ground leaving them unconscious with injuries as they were rushed to the hospital by road safety workers.
According to him, after receiving treatment from the hospital, they being the victims were made to pay the hospital bills before their discharge, after which they went to the police station because of the accident. He said the case has been dragging in the police station ever since being a case with the military officers who are at fault and are yet to duly compensate him as his car was his only source of income.