On the 27th of October 2023, the Brekete Family talk magazine radio and television program commenced with the ordinary president first attending to complainant outside the studio before proceeding into the studio to begin the live show. The program as usual began with the recitation of the national pledge by everyone afterwards, it was followed with the morning sermon given by the Ordinary President as he speaks on the subject of relationships. In summary, he titled the sermon “building bridges not burning bridges”, because you may need that bridge someday. He goes further to say the only exception that should warrant to burning the bridge should be based on a condition of criminal involvement with the other party.
The ordinary president proceeds with some narrations on how one can convert a negative situation into a positive one like seeing something good out of something bad. He shares his experience on how he does this, recounting series of his personal situation like while in detention that got him new friends, while admitted in the hospital that opportune him to pay someone’s medical bill and while he was travelling and his car broke down that turns out to be a blessing for the people he met in the period used to repair his car as he became the answer to their prayer.
Speaking on the Nigerian economy in a while, he makes reference to kogi state that ought not to be backward but for the Nigerian factor. He went further to discuss the exchange rate fluctuation as dollar gains more ground above the Nigerian naira so he encourages export as the solution to the devalued naira saying if only Nigeria will export more, the rise in dollar will be to our advantage. He advice listeners to engage in exporting our products as a way of doing something meaning with their life and time. Then in regards to this, he introduces the organization of the Nigerian Exporters Hubs to teach Nigerians how to export, what to export, where to export and to whom to export as a way of contributing to national growth. Given time to expatiate, they team of Nigerian Exporters Hub gave detailed information on exporting the Nigerian products that is needed outside the country and after this, the ordinary president opened the phone line for the public to air their opinion on the export opportunity as many call in to say their interest in the export business.
Afterwards, the Ordinary President also gave the national commission for persons with disability the opportunity to speak as they address the public on their roles advocating a fair treatment for persons with disability.